RedTag Digital, a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Google, Meta, and TikTok ads, partnered with Report Garden to enhance their reporting capabilities. This collaboration resulted in high-quality, transparent custom reports, improved operational efficiency, and the integration of AI for enhanced client insights. The partnership has been key to maintaining strong client satisfaction and supporting RedTag Digital's continuous growth and success.

About RedTag Digital

RedTag Digital is a full-service digital marketing agency specializing in Google, Meta, and TikTok ads, with a dedicated creative team to ensure optimal asset delivery.


RedTag Digital needed a reliable and transparent reporting tool to provide accurate information to their clients, crucial for maintaining strong results and client satisfaction.


Upon partnering with Report Garden, RedTag Digital achieved:

  • Custom Reports: High-quality, transparent reports that effectively communicate campaign results to clients.
  • Flexibility and Growth: A platform that adapts to new formats and tools, ensuring continuous improvement.
  • AI Integration: Leveraging AI for enhanced reporting and client insights.


RedTag Digital has used Report Garden since 2015. The partnership has been marked by Report Garden's flexibility and willingness to grow and address concerns. This adaptability aligns with RedTag Digital's philosophy of constant growth and innovation.

Key Results

  • Improved client satisfaction with transparent and accurate reporting.
  • Enhanced operational efficiency with custom reports tailored to client needs.
  • Ability to quickly adapt to new digital marketing tools and AI advancements.


The partnership with Report Garden has empowered RedTag Digital to provide exceptional value to their clients through accurate reporting and a commitment to growth. This collaboration has been instrumental in maintaining high client satisfaction and driving the agency's success.

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