LinkedIn Ads Metrics

Custom White Labeled LinkedIn Ads reports, generated
and sent automatically to all your clients.

Start Reportingor Schedule a Demo

How to connect:

  • Go to Accounts page by clicking on Accounts button on the left navigation menu. Open Account Linking dialog box by clicking on “Link Account” button
  • Select LinkedIn Ads from the list of integrations
  • You will be redirected to a prompt page which requests you login to LinkedIn and authenticate ReportGarden
  • You can now create reports, dashboards and schedule reports, after you have successfully linked your LinkedIn Ads account

Performance Metrics

  • Cost
  • Cost in USD
  • Conversion Value
  • Clicks
  • Impressions
  • External Website Conversions
  • External Website Post View Conversions
  • CPM
  • Click Through Rate
  • Cost Per Click

Engagement Metrics

  • Comments
  • Follows
  • Lead Gen. Mail Contact Info Shares
  • Likes
  • One Click Lead Form Opens
  • One Click Leads
  • Opens
  • Other Engagements
  • Shares
  • Total Engagements

Viral Metrics

  • Viral Clicks
  • Viral Comments
  • Viral Company Page Clicks
  • Viral External Website Conversions
  • Viral External Website Post Click Conversions
  • Viral External Website Post View Conversions
  • Viral Follows
  • Viral Impressions
  • Viral Landing Page Clicks
  • Viral Likes
  • Viral One Click Lead Form Opens
  • Viral Other Engagements
  • Viral Shares
  • Viral Total Engagements

Monitor LinkedIn Performance Metrics in Real-time!

With ReportGarden, you can create a truly custom LinkedIn dashboard by retrieving metrics and stats directly from your company’s account. Compare your key LinkedIn metrics last month to the previous month, and display the trends over time.

Performance Overview

Present deep insights into group growth, demographics, and interactions through visually appealing reports.

Update Analysis Dashboard

Helps you track and measure your LinkedIn updates and the interactions generated from your posts.

Interaction Analytics Dashboard

This report lets you present the important metrics to effectively quantify LinkedIn interactions for your marketing efforts.

Follower Analysis Dashboard

Measure all relevant company follower metrics of your page and those of your competitors at one place.

Job Update Integration Dashboard

This report helps you track and present all the job updates of LinkedIn company pages and even those of competitors.

Page Engagement Dashboard

Analyze the number of clicks, likes, shares and engagement percentage for your posts to uncover engagement trends.

Get started with ReportGarden

Start your 14-day trial now. No credit card required.