10 Things Your Competitors Know About LinkedIn Tools

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10 Things Your Competitors Know About LinkedIn Tools

Don’t you think social media marketing is very hard for you in spite of being it damn interesting? Yes, it is! And top of it, a social media platform like LinkedIn is really tough to generate leads and convert them into customers. However, as they say, ‘where there is a will, there is a way’. If you are dedicatedly focusing on LinkedIn as a social media marketing platform same as your competitors who have exceled in LinkedIn marketing, you are also not far from generating sales.

Same as your successful competitors, you can also have well thought, well analysed, and well implemented LinkedIn marketing strategies. To succeed in an intense competitive environment, one of the key secrets is to watch the behaviour of your competitors who you think are doing well than you. The simplest solution is to know which LinkedIn tools they use and what features they explore, how, and for what purpose.

Things which your competitors know about LinkedIn Tools and Features

Most of your competitors must be using several LinkedIn tools that help gather customer data, find targeted profiles, unlock paid LinkedIn functions, and even get the sales procedure started. Exciting enough, right? Yes, it is; go ahead to know which those LinkedIn tools are and how they help you to craft your LinkedIn marketing strategy.

1. Followers Guide

To buy followers is neither a new thing nor an uncommon matter. However, when you opt for buying followers, it is important to know how your business is doing, and what is needed to buy the right followers. Followers Guide is a tool that assists you to do just that.

LinkedIn has the world’s largest and most trusted group of professionals, all in one place. And hence, it is easy for you to target the right people to build a community of brand advocates and grow your follower base. The more people know about your brand, the more business you can drive through word of mouth and referrals.

Followers guide is your guide to buying LinkedIn followers. It provides you with reviews of the top companies for buying relevant and right followers.

linkedin tool

2. Locksmith

Are you still using FREE LinkedIn account and yet not shifted to PREMIUM facility? If so, this tool is an awesome option for you to look for prospects. On account of its FREE service feature, you can only access names and profiles of your first and second level contacts. Moreover, Locksmith can trace profiles of third level contacts and those who are not in your networks without asking you to pay for an account upgrade.

linkedin tools

3. Rapportive

Rapportive is a tool that can provide you all the required contact details about a person. The tool sources this information a respective person/brand’s LinkedIn profile, right inside your Gmail. Top of it, this tool is absolutely FREE! However, in the past, there were some complaints about the Rapportive post its acquisition by LinkedIn. But, a fact can’t be denied that this is a helpful tool.

linkedin feature

4. Devumi

Since 2010, Devumi, a well-established Social Media Marketing Company, is in business. If you want to amplify your social proof on LinkedIn, Devumi is one of the preferable LinkedIn tools to go for. It offers a variety of substitute marketing solutions, precisely to grow their client’s social media presence. To expand client’s network, it uses Devumi’s own vast network of social media influencers and web partners. Once you get connected with a vast network of professionals, these connections help you to get endorsements for your skills. This way you can earn better credibility and reputation.

linkedin features

5. Attach

InMail function is highly popular on LinkedIn. It helps you to reach out almost anyone on LinkedIn. It works like an email, you can send messages but can’t be sure if they have read it or not.

Attach, a powerful LinkedIn tool, also helps you send out messages. However, unlike InMail function, it helps you to track your contact’s engagement with it. You can also share files as an attachment. Moreover, with the help of Attach, you can see when did your contact open the message, how long did they read, and what all pages they surfed. In short, Attach helps you to stay organised with your planning and approach of marketing activities.

linkedin tools and features

6. LeadFuze

According to Damian Thompson, CO-founder of Leadfuze, “LeadFuze is an automated lead generation platform that helps business to business service companies have more sales conversations. We do this through cold email automation because it’s the only scalable outbound lead generation tactic.” LeadFuze assists you to build a powerful list of targeted leads from a LinkedIn search and divulge email IDs, contact details, and social media profiles of your targeted prospects.

LinkedIn lead generation tools

7. Leadfeeder

If your website gets good amount of traffic but somehow fails to perform on your CTAs, Leadfeeder is the best solution for you. All you have to do is connect Leadfeeder with your Google Analytics, and the rest will be taken care of. It enables you to track those “unknown prospects” by providing you their company details. It also recommends common LinkedIn contacts in the company. Based on their funnel positions (TOFU, MOFU or BOFU) it aids you to reach out them with targeted messages. Even it has an option to hide a company is it doesn’t seem relevant to you. The best part about Leadfeeder is it pre-filters spammers and displays only real companies.

Linkedin analytics tools

8. eLink Pro

eLink attracts and connects sales prospects to your LinkedIn profile. It is considered as the number 1 LinkedIn tool for B2B. It downloads as a browser extension and your browser views various LinkedIn profiles over 5000 per week, as if you are viewing it.  This helps your prospect to get notification from LinkedIn that you viewed their profile. That’s how, they become aware of you and your business and if sounds interesting to them, they might get back to you with a connection request or any other proposal.

LinkedIn automation tools

9. Ebsta

Ebsta’s LinkedIn integration enables you to view/edit existing records of Salesforce without leaving LinkedIn. Its features include creating contacts, leads, accounts, messaging, logging call details, sharing LinkedIn profile URLs, and searching & viewing Salesforce records. It aids in easing CRM adoption. Since, Ebsta provides notifications about existing networks and relationships when you add any contact as a prospect.

linkedin prospecting tools


DiSC profiles describe personality profiles and human behaviour in various situations. With the help of Crystal, when you connect with your LinkedIn, you’ll be able to view your connections’ and co-workers’ personality profiles more quickly. This tool is based on the DiSC assessment and it imports your contacts from Google or social media profiles (including LinkedIn) and immediately sees personality reports. Based on the personality differences, Crystal helps you to understand what communication style you should adapt to effectively communicate with the prospects.

Linkedin marketing tools

At last!!!

There are many LinkedIn tools available in the market. But for sure, the above mentioned list is the best one based on popularity and has been curated from the in-depth research. With the help of these tools, LinkedIn should NOW not be tough for you as a social media marketing network.

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