“Champions aren’t made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision………” – Muhammad Ali
This is the story of one such Champion…..
The ad world is filled with showmen and creative people, but it takes a lot more than that to succeed, it takes true grit and hard work! When Muhammad Ali declared, “I am the Greatest”, he made it known, loud and clear. And he lived up to it. His product delivered as promised. He talked a big talk and he backed it up every step of the way. Claiming “I am the Greatest” took him just 3 seconds, but delivering on the expectations took him tons of hard work and grit. Which is why, to this day, Ali is acknowledged by everyone in the sport as the Greatest of all time.
This is the story of an adman who applies Muhammad Ali to marketing. Talks big and works extra hard to deliver on the promise. This strategy helped Ali gain an international fan base, Lance Bachmann successfully employs this strategy to gain an international client base!
Read ahead, get inspired 🙂

- Best use of Search – Retail
- Best Low Budget Campaign
- Best use of Social Media
- Best Agency
- Young Search Professional
1SEO.com, a Digital Marketing Agency based out of Bristol in Pennsylvania wins 6 US Search Award (2015) nominations in 5 Categories!
You read this and you are curious, so am I………“Who’s driving this agency!?”
Turns out that Lance Bachman, President and CEO of 1SEO.com, has been doing SEO, long before the birth of Google! Well he was doing it offline……..
Lance Bachmann entered the working world when consumers relied on thick, softbound books filled with yellow pages to find businesses they needed. Yes, Yellowbooks. He started in business as a sales rep in the Bala office of R. R. Donnelly, which produced the Donnelly Directory, a thick book that categorized local businesses. For four years, Bachmann walked up and down the street, selling space. Six years later he founded YellowPages.com and led the nation in sales.

But the biggest success of Lance Bachmann has been helping businesses get noticed without the telephone directory!
Lance started 1SEO.com in a two-bedroom apartment at 18th and JFK. It was not long before 1SEO.com grew faster than a two-bedroom in Philly could handle, which precipitated the move to Bucks County. Word of mouth followed, and so did clients like Belfor, Holt’s Cigars, AWMA, Cox Media, Safian Rudolph, Spike’s Trophies, Peruzzi Auto Group and Barb’s Harley Davidson. Then came the awards from Google, Smart CEO, the Inquirer, Yahoo etc. In the last 6 years Lance has grown his agency to generate 6 million+ in revenue with 75+ digital marketing experts. Today 1SEO.com is one of the most prestigious digital marketing agencies in the industry.
Achieving all of this is definitely not easy and the success to this agency can be attributed to Lance’s fierce work ethic:
“There are hundreds of people in this sector that have talent but the ones who succeed work their asses off.”
1SEO.com is one of the most respectable agencies in the country today, surely because of the consistency with which it has produced results. And Lance’s contribution to this growth is immense. Like Muhammad Ali, Lance worked on two fronts simultaneously………

I. Talk Big: Acquiring new business
Lance sees this as the biggest challenge for his business and as is expected of a leader, he has been at the forefront dealing with the problem.
“Honestly, Only a small percent of all businesses truly play online! One of our biggest challenges is trying to convince our clients just how important it is to have SEO down to their websites, and how important it is for them to provide their input into their Internet marketing campaigns.”
Lance sees this situation as a lost business opportunity. Not just for 1SEO, but for the company or professional that is losing out on a proven method of customer acquisition. More than the clients, Lance says that offline businesses are losing out on valuable consumer- and industry-analysis data.
Lance has been a vocal advocate of taking businesses online, even putting billboards preaching the value of SEO for months over Philadelphia’s eastern arterial road i 95.This has brought 1SEO.com both business and credibility. The rocket growth of this Agency can be attributed to the aggressive customer acquisition drive initiated & led by Lance.
Lance is a real inspiration for not just his employees but for all aspiring marketers/entrepreneurs!
When asked about his growth plans for this year, Lance says:
“Of course my company and I are looking to take on more business. We already take clients all over the globe, but we are going to push ourselves to become bigger and bigger. One of the ways in which I hope to achieve this is by continuing to speak at conferences more about SEO and the benefits of it around the globe.”

II. Prepare yourself : Employee Education
The toughest challenge of an SEO is to stay continuously relevant. The entire SEO team needs to stay at the top of the latest SEO news and updates. Because the hard fact of the game is that an SEO can’t expect the same results today with yesterday’s techniques.
Lance says, “ SEO changes so much, Google’s algorithm changes so much, Internet marketing strategies can change so much that you need to make sure that you stay on top of what’s current. Strategies and tactics are always changing, so a big mistake would be one in which you are not up with the current times.”
As the Founder and President of 1SEO.com Digital Agency, Lance ensures that each department meets individual goals and responsibilities through weekly training and education sessions.
Weekly training and education sessions help the Agency handle the growth and also deliver consistent results, despite regular Google algo tweaks.
This is just a snapshot of Lance’s awesomeness. Many consider him a master of leadership, who has a way of bringing out the very best in those he leads.He is aggressive and passionate about what he does in the industry. To some people that may be intimidating, but to those who want to “win”, he’s THE GUY!
Lance Bachmann is the President and CEO of 1SEO.com, a leading Digital Marketing Agency in the Philadelphia, PA area providing end-to-end solutions for clientele present in various genres of business. 1SEO.com offers an assortment of full featured services from search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click (PPC), social media optimization (SMO), website design, content writing to email marketing. Services which businesses around the world need in order to succeed in their industry. Throughout the years of 1SEO.com’s existence, the company has accumulated a work-wide client base, numerous awards, and a staff of over 75 digital marketing experts.