Stay informed in 60 words!
We understand you don’t have time to go through the many marketing news posts every day! So we cut the clutter and deliver them, in 60-word shorts. We pick-up articles from all your favorite marketing blogs and present you with the gist.
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1. Google to crack down ‘intrusive interstitials’ !

What : Google has announced that it will begin cracking down on “intrusive interstitials”
When : January 10, 2017
Why : These types of ads can be problematic on mobile devices where screens are often smaller. Essentially, poor user experience!
Google explained which types of interstitials are going to be problematic, which include:
- Showing a popup that covers the main content, either immediately after the user navigates to a page from the search results, or while they are looking through the page.
- Displaying a standalone interstitial that the user has to dismiss before accessing the main content.
- Using a layout where the above-the-fold portion of the page appears similar to a standalone interstitial, but the original content has been inlined underneath the fold.
Takeaway: This essentially means that pages where content is not easily accessible to a user, the transition from the mobile search results may not rank as highly.

Read More : Google warns it will crack down on “intrusive interstitials” in January.
Watch : Google Says No More Mobile Pop-Ups!
2. Pinterest to launch promoted video ads

What : Pinterest has announced the launch a new type of video advertising called Promoted Video Ads.
Promoted Videos are a new ad type that Pinterest users will see in their feed. For now, Promoted Videos are only available on mobile, but a desktop version is expected at some point in the future.
How Much Do Promoted Videos Cost?
You can buy Promoted Videos on a CPM basis ($15 to $20 per thousand impressions).
Takeaway : This seems like a natural progression for Pinterest since the videos posted to the social network have increased 60 percent over the past year.
Read More : Promoted Video: Video Ads Come to Pinterest
Watch : Pinterest Promoted video The Secret life of Pets
3. Google Removes AdSense Ad Limit Policy

What : From Google’s current ad placement policies, the ‘ad limit per page’ section has been removed.
It has been replaced with a section titled ‘valuable inventory’, which cautions site owners not to let the amount of ads on a page exceed the amount of actual content. Doing so may result in Google limiting or disabling ads served on the page until appropriate changes are made.
Why :
- Improving Web Content
The primary reason behind this change is to create a better balance between quality content and advertising
- Encouraging Publishers to Test New Ad Units
To coincide with the rise of mobile, Google introduced new mobile-friendly ad units
- Keeping Advertisers Happy
Companies that are paying to advertise via mobile-friendly ad units are not receiving a maximum return on investment if publishers are not utilizing the ads.
Takeaway : Although there is no longer an exact limit on the amount of ads that can be used on a page, there still has to be a suitable balance between ads and original content.
Read More : Google Removes AdSense Ad Limit Policy: Reasons Behind the Change
Watch : Google AdSense Policy Update on Ad Limits per Page
4. OpenStreetMap debuts Google Street View alternative

What : OpenStreetMap (OSM) has launched an effort to build an open-source version of Google Street View, called OpenStreetView.
Why : The hope is to use crowdsourcing to generate street-level photography for OSM on a global basis.
Takeaway : It’s quite possible that OpenStreetView will succeed. However, it will take years for the coverage to build up and become meaningful for a global user base.
Read More : OpenStreetMap debuts Google Street View alternative: OpenStreetView
Watch : OpenStreetView | Alex Illisei & Martjin van Exel
5. 55% don’t recognize paid ads in Google SERPS

What : 55% of searchers don’t know which links in the SERPs are PPC ads, according to a new survey.
Why : None of the surveys asking about ad recognition in SERPs are perfect. If you show people pictures of SERPs or conduct user tests, then sample sizes are small, but if you ask, the answer is often revealed in the wording of the question.
Takeaway : However, the trend is clear. Whatever the exact figure, it seems that around half of web users simply aren’t distinguishing paid results from organic ones.
Read More : 55% don’t recognise paid ads in Google SERPS: stats
6. Twitter: Now DM businesses from their sites!

What : Twitter is rolling out a button businesses can put on their sites.
Why : People can click on to direct message a business through Twitter.
Takeaway : This is Twitter’s latest attempt to gain an upper-hand over its arch rival Facebook.
Read More : Twitter adds a button for people to direct-message businesses from their sites
Watch : Twitter new “Message Button” for the websites