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Know about the Facebook’s updated call to action buttons. Today we bring you – Updates on Facebook’s call to action buttons on different business pages – Along with other marketing news from your favorite sites and blogs.
Read the full articles for shorts that interest you.
1. Facebook updates Call to Action buttons, Adds tool to amplify Recommendations.

What’s this about ? : Facebook introduced updates to recommendations, local events and call-to-action buttons on pages for local businesses. Users who post status updates in which they are seeking advice can turn on recommendations for that post, enabling friends to provide suggestions.
What’s new ? : Three new updates were launched by Facebook. Have a look at them below :-
- Seeking Recommendations : This new tool is an option to call for recommendations from your connections. When you’re writing a status seeking advice, Facebook will suggest that you turn on recommendations for your post. Then, a request for suggestions call-out will appear in the News Feeds of your connections notifying them that you’re looking for advice.
- Heading out : The second element announced relates to events happening around you. Facebook launched a new, dedicated events app recently in order to capitalize on the 650 million people who use Facebook Events every month.
- Updated calls to action for local business pages : Fb now has some new ways for people to take action faster once they’ve found something they want to do or a place they want to go using the updated buttons like –
- Order food
- Request an appointment
- Get a quote
- Get tickets to movies and events
How is this helpful ? :
- The tool provides additional discovery potential for local businesses, though the businesses themselves will have no control over how they’re recommended or highlighted.
- Page administrators can take advantage of these revamped calls to action in Facebook for Business post, both via existing service providers or via pages messaging.
When ? : These integrations are currently available to businesses in the U.S., partnering with many third-party services and will be up for everyone in coming months.
Takeaway : This update is a clever play by Facebook. For one, it will help boost user interaction – and as we’ve noted previously, increasing engagement is crucial to Facebook’s ongoing growth plans.
Read – Facebook adds new call to action buttons
2. LinkedIn launches Improved Endorsement System

What’s new ? : LinkedIn has revealed how their new endorsements system will look, putting a focus on ‘endorsements that matter’ and targeting the right people to make relevant recommendations.
What are the updates ? : Two updates regarding Endorsement were released by LinkedIn.
- Endorsement Accuracy : With a new back-end infrastructure LinkedIn puts increased emphasis on endorsement accuracy – like if the endorser has actually worked with you, and thus, can actually validate your skill set.
- Endorsement Targeting : LinkedIn’s also working to improve the system by calling on people who know both the relevant user and skill to provide endorsements, as opposed to just suggesting you endorse people for skills, whether you know much about them or not.
How is this helpful ? :
- The new endorsements system will highlight those provided by people who’ve worked with that user, as well as mutual connections to give more context on that individual skill.
- The system will also highlight endorsements from people who are “highly skilled” in that specific area – you can see this more prominently in this example from my profile.
What’s the potential flaw ? : With this update the value of “additional qualifiers” will be less relevant to those in public facing roles, like journalism or blogging, where people may benefit from their work but not have ever actually worked with them. Such endorsements wouldn’t be as valuable with this new update.
Takeaway : In future, LinkedIn may be more than just an professional social network. All students might refer to LinkedIn in order make more accurate choices for their future studies.They’re small steps but all part of the LinkedIn’s bigger plans.
Read – LinkedIn unveils improved Endorsement System
3. Snapchat stops sharing Ad Revenue with media partners

What’s it about ? : Snapchat wants to make a major change in the way it works with companies that supply it with content for its “Discover” section. Instead of sharing ad revenue that section produces, Snapchat wants to pay content partners a fee up front and keep the ad money for itself.
What’s the summary ? :
- With Snapchat’s new terms being proposed, the company will have full control over its ad inventory as it gears up for a public offering.
- And for publishers, it means they will have a guaranteed payday when they create custom content for the app, instead of just hoping to make money. But the new deal also limits the money publishers can make from their stuff.
Takeaway : If enough publishers bend to Snapchat’s will, it could send a signal to other platform providers, namely Facebook, and encourage them to follow Snapchat’s lead in negotiating more aggressively with publishers for their content.
Read – Snapchat stops sharing Ad Revenue Share with media partners
That’s all for today. Happy Marketing !!!