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Facebook Live videos can soon be streamed in 360 degrees, an important step in Video Content creation. Know more about this new feature of Facebook Live– Along with other marketing news about every other platform from your favorite sites and blogs.
Read the full articles for shorts that interest you.
1. Facebook Live 360 : A mimic to YouTube’s old move

What’s this about ? : Facebook plans to open up 360-degree live streaming to Pages using its Live API tool — that allows them to broadcast on Facebook through non-phone cameras like a 360-degree rig.
What’s new ? : This showcase will serve as an introduction to 360 degrees Live content.It’s the next phase for Facebook Live video and the next battleground for video platforms.
When can I see this ? : The platform’s first Live 360-degree video will be aired by the facebook page of National Geographic. But this Facebook Live 360 feature could take up months to reach all the other pages.Facebook expects to roll it out to everyone sometime next year
Takeaway : Facebook live 360 is an evolutionary move to what YouTube tried in April , and Facebook is trying to change this creation process very quickly and make it more widely available.
Read – Facebook live will spin up 360-degree streaming
2. Google analytics : Referrer spam wrecking Google Analytics data

What’s this about ? : Referrer spam is damaging Google Analytics data sets. These attacks have left the Traffic Referrals report useless for almost fifty Google Analytics properties.
What’s Referrer Spam ? : Referrer spam is used to generate traffic and sales leads, spread malware or conduct phishing attacks.
How is this happening ? : Spammers generate ghost visits without even sending a bot to your site. The attacker runs the Google Analytics tracking JavaScript to ping the Google Analytics data collection servers with fraudulent information. But once Google implements a general solution, there will be a lot less Google Analytics spam.
Should I be worried ? : Yes , maybe a bit. This issue is significant for small business sites because it distorts the number of sessions and page views.
Takeaways : This would be a great concern for Google Analytics because referrer spam is so easy that it has become a real nuisance although it is not so lucrative.
Read – New wave of referrer spam wrecking Google Analytics data
Watch – How to block referrer spam in Google Analytics ?
3. Instagram : Live Video for all U.S. users

What did I miss? : Instagram has made its live video feature available to over 70 million U.S. users.
What’s in it for me? : Instagram live videos give marketers another channel to connect and interact with audiences. Since these videos just disappear once broadcasting ends, they are perfect for exclusive events such as product launches, unboxing events, and behind-the-scenes takes. Instagram live videos can also be used to engage users with exclusive interviews and Q&A sessions.
User-friendly ? : Yes indeed it is!! Instagram provides ways for you to avoid missing out on live videos. When someone you follow starts a live video, they’ll have “Live” underneath their profile photo in the Instagram Stories bar.
Takeaways: Though the launch of this new live video feature is interesting and adding to the Instagram experience – it doesn’t seem to fit with the platform’s normal, image-focused approach
Read – Instagram Live Streaming Now Available for U.S. Users
Watch – Announcing Live Video on Instagram Stories
That’s all for today. Happy Marketing ? ?!!