Google Releases New Updates For Google+

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Google Releases New Updates For Google+

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Google releases new updates for Google+ !! Know more about the latest updates of Google.Today we bring you the latest updates on Google+. Along with other marketing news about every platform from your favorite sites and blogs.

Read the full article for shorts that interest you.

1. Google releases three new updates for Google+ :

What did I miss? : Google soon is getting rid of the classic Google+ and therefore has released three new updates for the redesigned Google+. With the latest round of updates the new Google+ is really your Google+ that is designed around your suggestions, requests and needs.

Does Google+ still exists? : Yes, Google+ still exists, and while it’s hard to know, for sure, how many people actually use it. Google noted that more than 1.6 million people were still signing up to Google+ communities every day. That seems like a lot, but through the various audience breakdowns and analysis points, all the figures indicate that millions of people are still active on the platform. And Google likely wouldn’t support the product at all if usage rates were too low.

What are the new features rolling out? : Here’s a breakdown of the new tools.

1. Hiding Low Quality Comments: Google is making it easier to have good conversations by hiding lower quality comments on posts, so you can focus on the comments that matter most. If you’d like to see all the comments on a post, you can always click or tap “View more comments.

2. Image Zoom: A big element of Collections is images, and image quality has become a much bigger focus for Google+, particularly with the ongoing development of Google photos.  Along this line, Google has also announced that they’re adjusting Google+ to make best use of the available screen real estate, showing less white space and more posts. In addition, they’re also adding zoom functionality to photos on Google+.

3. Google Events: And the last addition is actually a re-introduction of an old function – Google’s bringing back G+ Events, you’ll be able to create and join events on Google+ web as you have in the past. Events will not be available for G Suite at this time.


  • Given the popularity of Google+ Communities, the reintroduction of Events makes sense.
  • The new G+ zoom capacity fits perfectly into this advanced image capability, and where Google is focusing with the platform.
  • The update for hiding low quality comments as this update works to fix that, while also highlighting how Google’s systems are able to detect and eliminate spam content.
  • Along with these new tools, Google’s also announced that the classic Google+ format will be retired on January 24th.

It’s still hard to see what the true value of Google+ is, or the position it takes in the wider social media landscape. Definitely, new tools like RAISR make it more appealing, but then again that’s always been the lure of Google+, that you sign up only to use other tools, not the network itself.

Read: Latest updates on Google+

2. Pinterest adds Ad group to campaign structure:

What’s this about? : Pinterest announced the addition of ad groups to its campaign structure. They are going to introduce the new update to the way that Pinterest ad campaign are structured. On the previous structure, Pinterest ad campaign had two elements: the campaign itself and the Promoted Pin.

What’s more? : They will upgrade the structure to include ad groups. An ad group works as a container for the Promoted Pins. Targeting, budget, start & end dates, and bids are set for each ad group, so users have more flexibility and control over how they run on their campaign.

The incorporation of ad groups into the campaign structure allows advertiser to:

  • Assign budget and targeting to ad groups: Since each ad group can contain multiple Pins, this allows for better control when testing the performance against various targets and objectives.
  • Align campaign budgets with marketing initiatives: Ad groups make it easier to manage specific budgets within a single campaign, while still maintaining lifetime spends caps at the campaign level.
  • Streamline the campaigns across platforms: By using something like ad group on other platforms, it may be easier to plan and manage all campaigns in a familiar way.

Takeaways: With ad groups users can test performance against various targets and objectives without the need to create multiple campaigns. Almost both are similar with the exception that retailers must pay to have them seen by more Pinterest users.

Read: Pinterest new ad group

3. Facebook now have messenger icon for inbox in desktops:

What’s new? : The message inbox icon is being replaced by now more know messenger icon. Facebook now has desktop notifications for Messenger.

What’s more? : Notifications shows the full message, but do not include GIFs, Images, or video for the moment. A click on the notification box, brings the user to where the user can follow up on the conversation from the usual chat box. Also Facebook Messenger for desktop is giving Skype another rival with the addition of group voice calling.

Is there a pressure on Skype? : The rise in Slack and a rising functionality seen in WhatsApp, Snapchat, and Facebook Messenger means Skype is under more pressure. Microsoft’s VOIP service now faces a slew of rivals in a market that is becoming increasingly competitive.

Takeaways: Facebook is pushing for more Messenger integration on desktop. The unified experience between the phone and the laptop is good to be honest.

Read: Facebook pushes for more messenger integration on desktop

4. Google & Cloudflare join hands to broaden AMP footprints:

What’s this about? : Google is rolling out AMP Lite for people on low-RAM devices and slow networks. AMP content is now becoming available for devices with slower connections or through links on any mobile website, email or app.

What does the AMP lite contain? : Google today said that it has started to show an even tinier version of websites for certain people browsing the internet on mobile devices.The new AMP Lite page format includes compressed images and image data, among other things, so that articles and other website will load even quickly and take up even less data than standard AMP.

Is the Google AMP page already available for some? : At this point, Google is only showing the AMP Lite pages for users in Vietnam, Malaysia, and other countries where people use slow wireless networks, and also for individuals whose mobile devices don’t have much RAM.

Takeaways: The AMP software is open-source, with people from several companies collaborating on it, while Facebook’s Instant Articles system offers a similar effect but is proprietary.

Read: Google rolls out AMP lite for low RAM devices.

That’s all for today. Happy Marketing ? ?!!

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