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Today we bring you the news about the end of free keyword search data in Google keyword Planner – Along with other marketing news from your favorite sites and blogs.
Read the full articles for shorts that interest you.
1. Google Keyword Planner is taking away the free perks

What’s the bad news ? : The days of free monthly keyword search data for everyone using Keyword Planner without running an active campaign are gone, if you want full access to the Keyword Planner from now on you are now going to have to pay for it and should have an active campaign as well
What’s changed ? : Advertisers who fall under the not yet fixed monthly spend , will get a range of data in the keyword planner instead of specific search volume.
The ranges of the search volume appear to be extremely broad and not very helpful . Like –
- 1–100
- 100–1K
- 1K–10K
- 10K–100K
- 100K–1M
- 1M+
Who will see these changes ? : Search volume data in keyword planner will be harder to access for –
- Low spenders
- Advertisers or marketers without active campaigns
- Inactive users – those who don’t have any continuous campaigns over 3-4 months
Takeaway : We couldn’t help but conclude that Google’s intention is to monetize the keyword planner and find a way to make the keyword data harder to access without marketers shelling out money.
Read – Google’s Keyword Planner is Changing – and Not Necessarily for the Better
2. Google launches cross-device retargeting

What ? : Advertisers will soon be able to reach out to Google signed-in users across various devices with remarketing campaigns. This feature will be rolling out globally over the next few months.
What’s the change ? : Google has previously not supported cross-device retargeting. For a site visitor on mobile , retargeting campaigns have been possible on the desktop only if the user visited the same site on the desktop as well. Now it’s an old story. Google has enabled cross-device remarketing enables advertisers you to reach the same user across devices, apps, and sites.
What’s the outcome ? : Since many of online conversions involve more than one device , and also amplifies the marketers’ ability to reconnect with past site visitors.
Takeaway : With this change, marketers can focus on how to sell the same story across all the devices and manage the ad frequency.
Read – Google (finally) launches cross-device retargeting
3. Snapchat is now “Snap Inc.“

What’s new ? : Snapchat’s re-branded as Snap.inc, reflective of their broadening product scope. Snap Inc. describes itself as a camera company, not a social networking app.
Why ? : Snapchat has launched its long-awaited smart glasses product – ‘Spectacles’. Spectacles enable the wearer to capture their perspective without having to take out their phone and film the moment. These glasses capture footage using a 115-degree angle lens, which resembles the human eye’s field of vision.
What can be expected ? : Spectacles will be the must-have tech gadget on release, and this move from Snap Inc. might just be enough to keep users on Snapchat, as opposed to drifting off to Instagram Stories.
Takeaway : It’s a bold move by Snapchat after the imitation stunt pulled out by Instagram. Anyway the response have to be awaited.
Read – Snapchat Launches Spectacles, Re-Brands as “Snap Inc.”
4. Google Algorithm update : Penguin is now real-time

What ? : Google announced the last and latest release of Penguin Algorithm.
What’s this algorithm about ? : Penguin is designed to devalue pages which engage in spammy link building practices for the purposes of ranking higher in search.
What is the change ? : The spammy sites previously used to take months to recover and have to wait till the filter crawled the sites again. With this latest release, Penguin becomes real-time. As Google recrawls and reindexes pages — which happens constantly — those pages will be assessed by the Penguin filter. Pages will be caught and/or freed by Penguin as part of this regular process. Also , Penguin now devalues spam by adjusting ranking based on spam signals, rather than affecting ranking of the whole site.
Takeaway : Penguin is part of the core search algorithm used in Google’s search. With that being the case, we’ll begin to see Penguin-like updates more frequently.
Read – Google updates Penguin, says it now runs in real time within the core search algorithm