WordPress is one of the most renowned platforms for website and blogging on the web which powers more than 25% of all the websites. Nevertheless, just because it is trendy, it does not mean it is flawless. Any web development company in New York City would agree if you ask whether the WordPress is a right option to commence a new website. Although it provides some good features for fundamental SEO, it would need some TLC to be actually competitive.
If you are scrupulous about SEO, contemplate making minor changes in WordPress theme. Your website can be more SEO-friendly if you invest some time and set up with following tips:
– SEO title and meta description:
WordPress coders believed that title and meta description should be optional. So, unfortunately, it does not involve both these things automatically in your website. Being an SEO meticulous, you must know how these title tags are important for SEO and the website ranking. The meta descriptions influence the viewers to click and open your site.
At such times, plugins become a savior as they help a WordPress user to add the SEO title and meta description along with tons of other essential stuff to the website or blog content.
– Replytocom and URL parameters:
Being a WordPress professional, you must be familiar to ‘?replytocom=999’. The option ‘replytocom’ is available in some of the themes that allow replies to users’ comments. You would see a URL link when you click to reply a comment as the URL parameters of WordPress permits this to be posted. Although you can remove it from your Google Search Console, it is advised to remove it from the theme entirely so it would not create any issues at first place.
– Spam:
You know how this spamming can make a difference in good Search Engine Rankings. But a WordPress user does not need to worry about spam. Right! Just as soon as you turn on your blog, you are targeted by comment spammers. If you have turned on your blog for more than a minute than it could get really annoying by the time it goes live.
Although spamming is not a potential problem in WordPress, it does not have an automatic filter for it which becomes problematic at times. For the best solution, you can install some anti-spam plugins on the site as it takes care of bothersome spam on your website.
– Sitemap:
You do not get the sitemap along with WordPress installation. And that’s why it needs the SEO plugin. It is crucial as Google can find your website’s page easily with the help of sitemaps. With that, you improve your SEO which is imperative as Google ranks your web pages and not just website.
– Redirects:
WordPress relatively redirects a post if you have changed the slug of a post. Nevertheless, what about redirecting a category or a homepage and what about the cases where you would want to redirect one page (not a post) to another one. So, if you move something to another page and do not want to make a fool of it at the host level, you can consider going for a redirection plugin.
Thus, you can solve a lot of issues such as adding SEO title and meta description, spam, sitemap, redirects, site caching, with the help of Plugin. Remember that WordPress is not completely SEO friendly but you can fix it easily and this is greatly helpful in the long run. You must contact an experienced and reliable web development company such as Simianllc.com to get assistance regarding Content Management System customization or WordPress.